Latest news

Say Yes to Languages
We are delighted to be participating in the Say Yes to Languages Programme. For the whole final term the students from 3rd to 6th Class will be learning Irish Sign Language. A tutor will visit the school each Tuesday and work with each class. This programme is funded by the Department of Education and there is no cost to the students for participating. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn a new language and also teach the students about diversity and inclusion.

Easter Bonnets
2nd/3rd Class celebrated Easter in style this year by creating their very own Easter Bonnets! They wore them to a tea party and got a chance to admire each others wonderful creations.

St. Patrick's Day Parade & Seachtain na Gaeilge
We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge and St. Patrick's Day in style this year! The students marched in the Castleisland St. Patrick's Day Parade. We were celerating the Irish language and Irish Culture around the school. Thanks to all of staff for organising these fun activities and accompanying the students in the Parade.

Mini 7's Tournament
Well done to the boys and girls who took part in the Mini 7's Tournament in Cordal. Both teams played brilliantly and were very unlucky not to progress to the next round. Thanks to Ms. Fitzpatrick for all her coaching of the teams.

First Confession
Well done to all of the boys and girls in 2nd class on celebrating their First Confession in Scartaglen Church. It was a lovely ceremony celebrated by Fr. Seán Horgan. He spoke to the children about the importance of saying sorry when you do something wrong. A special word of thanks to their teachers Ms. Eileen Fitzpatrick, Ms. Niamh O' Leary and Ms. Eilís McCarthy for their hard work preparing the children for this special day.

World Book Day
World Book Day took place in March. We celebrated with a host of fun events on the day all related to reading. This day is always great fun and really enjoyed hearing about all the students favourite books!

Pancake Tuesday
We were all treated to a wonderful day on Pancake Tuesday. The Parent's Council provided pancakes for every child in the school. There were a variety of toppings on offer including strawberries, bananas, nutella, marshmallows and maple-syrup. A huge thanks to the Parent's Council for this special day which is certainly one of the highlights of the year for the pupils! A particular word of thanks to all of the parents who helped out on the day.

Biodiversity Visit
We had a visit from Ian McGregor from Gortbrack Organic Farm who thought us all about biodiversity. He created a biodiversity map of our school. He also brought in frog spawn for us to explore. He highlighted the plants and animals found in our area and ways in which we can encourage biodiversity in the future. Thanks to Ms. Doody for organising this visit.

Credit Union Quiz Teams
Well done to our Junior and Senior Quiz teams who participated in the Credit Union Quiz. Our senior team made it through to the regional finals which was a great achievement.

Great Success at the Christmas Blitz
We were delighted to participate in the Christmas Basketball Blitz in Castleisland. All of the boys and girls played really well with three of our teams making it to finals! A huge thank you to Mossie and Ella for all their work coaching the teams.

Scartaglen N.S. Christmas Show
We had a night to remember as we had our Christmas Show in Scartaglen Heritage Centre. There was a great buzz in the hall and everybody really enjoyed the show! Well done to all the boys and girls for working really hard preparing for this memorable night. A huge thank you to the teachers and staff for all their hard work. Scartaglen N.S. would also like to thank everybody for their generous support of the raffle on the night.

Illustrator Workshop with Sarah Bowie
We were delighted to participate in an illustrator workshop with Sarah Bowie. She showed us step-by-step how to draw lots of cool Christmas drawings! It was great fun.

Santa's Elves Visit Scartaglen!
There was great excitement when Santa’s elves paid a surprise visit to Scartaglen. A bell was heard ringing in the corridor. When the children in Junior and Senior Infants looked outside the door they found magic dust on the floor and a special delivery from Mrs. Claus. There was a letter from Santa along with some candy canes. When the children checked their postbox all of their letters to Santa were gone!!

Scholastic Book Fair 2022
We held our annual book fair in the school recently. Each class had an opportunity to stock up on books before their Christmas holidays. We love seeing the children reading and there is always great interest in all the latest books that are available at the book fair! We were also delighted to welcome parents to the Book Fair for the first time post covid. Due to the fantastic response the school now has an allowance of €1100 to purchase even more books for the classrooms and library.

FAI Coach Visits to introduce Futsal
Scartaglen National School were delighted to welcome FAI coach Chelsea Noonan to the school to introduce the game of Futsal to 5th/6th Class. Futsal is an exciting, fast-paced small sided soccer game that is played across the world and is officially recognized by both FIFA and UEFA.

Sam Maguire visits Scartaglen N.S.
Scartaglen National School were delighted to be visited by Paudie Clifford with the Sam Maguire cup recently. Paudie was very generous with his time and visited every classroom answering questions, signing autographs and posing for photos.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Scartaglen N.S. took part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal organised by Team Hope. We were delighted with the huge response. 106 Christmas shoeboxes were packed with a wonderful variety of goodies that will be sent to children in poor countries around the world. There was great excitement when the boxes were loaded to be taken to the local depot. A big thank you to all who supported this very worthy cause and to Ms. O' Leary for organising the appeal.

Halloween in Scartaglen N.S.
All classes have been decorating their classrooms with Halloween art and decorations. We played some Halloween games and learned about the history of Halloween. We were delighted with the amazing response to our Trick or Treat for Sick Children. €454 was raised for the Children's Health Foundation. Thank you all for your tremendous generosity.

Cumman na mBunscol Success!
Well done to our Boys Football Team who participated in the Cumann na mBunscol Football. They won the Castleisland district competition and also the quarter final against Ballyduff. They were very unlucky to lose in the semi-final against Kilcummin. They played brilliantly throughout this competition and did the school proud! Thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick for all her hard work coaching the team.

Junior Infant Class of 2022
We are delighted to welcome our new Junior Infants to Scartaglen National School. We are sure they will be very happy in our school. Click on the image or the link below to see some lovely photos of their first day in school!
news from the classrooms
Junior/Senior Infants (Mrs. Doody):
1st/2nd Class (Mrs. Fitzpatrick & Mrs. O' Leary):
2nd/3rd Class (Ms. McCarthy):
4th Class (Mr. Johnson):
5th/6th Class (Ms. O' Leary):
News Archive
School year 2018/19
School Year 2017/18
School Year 2016/17
School Year 2015/16